Month: February 2013

Why Insurers should sponsor fire stations, the police and A&E

Amidst all the furore in the UK around the closures of fire stations and hospital accident and emergency departments (‘A&E’) I remembered a pet theory of mine, which came upon me once in the CII halls in Aldermanbury.  If you’ve ever been there you will know that the walls display many ‘fire marks’ – metal plaques which used to be attached to the walls of buildings around the UK.

These marks told you who insured the buildings and in the event of fire, which fire brigade to send.  So bystanders would see the ‘Royal’ fire engine speeding through the streets to put out the fire of the building insured by the Royal.   I’m sure that this gave them a good feeling about the insurer – on their way to stop the next Great Fire of London.

The problem with the image of insurance these days, notwithstanding some atrocious service and fighting over claims, is the simple fact that it’s so intangible.  We receive our pieces of paper with the contract terms, stick them in a file until either renewal arrives or we need to make a claim.  And both of these actions are with a degree of trepidation – am I going to have to argue about the premium?  Is the insurer going to fight the claim?

In the meantime our insurers have been sponsoring all sorts of things – from cricket stadiums to rugby tournaments in the sporting world, to adverts about how much better they are at paying their claims and how much cheaper their insurance is.

I think they’ve been missing a glorious opportunity to give insurance another image – one that cares about our property, our safety and our health at the very least.  An opportunity to make insurance more tangible, more valuable. Perhaps not loved, but at least appreciated more than today.

So this is my call to insurers – give up the silly adverts and unnecessary sponsorships and get behind the services that help your customers and help you – the police forces that stop burglaries and help keep the streets and roads safe, the hospitals that help keep us well and the fire stations that reduce the impact of fires – all of the things that help you keep your claims costs down.

Get your names on the sides of fire engines and the public might just learn to love you again.


S&P insurance rating criteria change means downgrades – and upgrades – are on the way

This is an article written by Stuart Shipperlee in November 2012, before this blog existed.  Nevertheless the content is still relevant and presages potential important news later this year.

At its latest seminar this week, S&P confirmed again that rating changes, including some downgrades, are highly likely as a result of its current review of insurance rating criteria.  Yet, despite the central role ratings play in the reinsurance, commercial and specialty lines markets globally, this continues to receive little general market attention.

For most insurance market participants rating criteria is a subject as gripping as watching paint dry, especially in the middle of the renewal season. And the markets have grown used to downgrades over the past decade. But this is very different. S&P is not highlighting the fact that the usual suspects of severe cat losses, adverse development on casualty business or drastic reductions in asset values can lead to rating downgrades; that is business as usual. What they are saying is that an insurer or reinsurer with exactly the same profile as it has today could have a lower – or higher – rating by the middle of next year.

While that might be of little practical consequence if a AA rated carrier were to move to AA-, it would be a very different story if the change was from A- to BBB+. Yet both, in rating terms, are simply ‘one notch’ downgrades.  On the other side of the coin, there could be some who benefit with an upgrade.

Of course the agency is conscious that some rating changes are a lot more significant than others. But it has very little room to recognise that in its actions; if the new criteria suggests a downgrade is needed then that is the path it will have to follow. The ‘A-/BBB+’ rating cliff is a market convention, not something introduced by the rating agencies, and they have no real flexibility to accommodate the consequences of it when making rating decisions.

The criteria review was announced in July when S&P published its initial proposals and a ‘request for comment’ (RfC).  They have received over 100 responses and yet there is no avoiding the impression that the market in general is oblivious to the process.

In part this is due to the agency trying not to sound alarmist. They stress that they do not see a need to adjust re/insurer rating levels overall. In fact they highlight that much of the process has been around mapping the new criteria to the existing rated universe in order to minimise rating changes. But there is an inevitable limit to that. While the goal of the exercise is partly to enhance transparency, it is also to make insurance ratings more ‘forward looking’ and ‘comparable’.  The latter, by definition, imply rating changes. While average rating levels will not move, there will clearly be winners and losers.

S&P’s seemingly benign comment on this highlights the point. They stress that ‘the significant majority of ratings is expected to remain the same or move by no more than one notch’. So, whatever minority that leaves are expected to move by two notches (or more).  And enough one notch changes are envisaged to mean their comment was not ‘a significant majority of ratings will not move’.  As the process is not finished, and the agency therefore cannot yet know exactly what specific rating actions it will take, perhaps this will change.  But it is clear that rating changes are very much on the cards.

Indeed, while S&P stresses that a rating remains fundamentally an opinion and therefore that it retains flexibility in how it ultimately decides these, the new rating factors being taken into account make changes seemingly inevitable. These include:

  • Use of industry/country risk assessments as a central part of the initial (internal) rating view
  • Peer comparisons as explicit positive or negative modifiers to the initial rating
  • The inclusion of ‘risk position’ as part of the financial risk profile
  • The linking of capital analysis to forward looking earnings projections
  • Additional elements to their analysis of competitive position, financial flexibility and liquidity.

In fact S&P veteran Rob Jones commented that in his 17 years at the firm this is by far the most substantive change to insurance rating criteria he had seen (and he should know; he previously led the development and introduction of S&P’s European capital model and ERM analysis).

You can’t do that and keep every rating the same. So, if the average is not going to move, some ratings must go up and some must go down.

None of this should come as a surprise. The agency is making a very major effort to proactively communicate what it is doing and solicit feedback. Nor, in our opinion at Litmus, is there anything fundamentally wrong with the analytical logic behind the changes (although we wonder if the ‘peer comparisons’ are possible or necessary in the way seemingly intended).  Timing of the expected roll-out of the new methodology, and of ratings updated to reflect it, is also something S&P is being very transparent about.  Publication of the final criteria is due in the first half of 2013, with updated ratings being published in tranches thereafter, starting with global multiline insurers and reinsurers.

So, whether you are a re/insurer, broker or buyer, come late next summer you may be looking at rating changes that materially impact your day despite the rated company’s profile not having changed.  Just in time for conference season, including, interestingly, the big reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo!

Stuart Shipperlee, 28 November 2012

An amateur’s trials with social media

For a small business, social media has so much going for it; not least because it’s free. I have diligently kept my LinkedIn contacts ticking over – connecting with people as I meet them and finding old friends and contacts. I’ve also realised that I’ve occasionally accidentally connected with people I’ve never met (mistaken identity) – no big deal, other than I don’t really want to appear to be a ‘cold caller’.

But for getting your message across, I feel that LinkedIn lacks something – I’m not sure that many people often read the updates and news posts.

Which is where, it seems to me, Twitter comes in. I might just be speaking for myself, but I’m far more likely to look at tweets from people I’m following than LinkedIn news.

However you have to get a following in order to make Twitter work for you. And that means tweeting regularly, which involves discipline and, at least for me, effort. So I’m finding that LinkedIn still has the edge in getting the message out there, at least for now.

The other thing I’m trying to get my head around is timing – i.e. the time of day that people look at Twitter and LinkedIn. Whereas a marketing campaign sent out in the evening has every chance of being forgotten by the time your ‘target’ is back in the office the following morning, a tweet is more likely to be read and acted upon in the evening.

In fact I’ve noticed that many people tend to look at LinkedIn on a Sunday evening, probably on an ipad in front of the telly. It’s not like real work is it? In our heads I guess we can’t justify doing it during normal working hours, so the evening is the right time. I guess that’s also a knock-on from the impact of the Blackberry – just keeping on top of everything 24/7.

So I’m learning, I continue to make mistakes, but it’s an interesting journey.


Understanding Insurer Financials and Key Ratios

Insurance and reinsurance company accounts are so different from standard corporate financials and even for many practitioners in the industry they are something of a mystery.  Last year we developed a new course aimed at giving not just a good understanding of what the numbers mean, but also how to read and use them to determine how the insurer is performing.

The key to this course is in giving you great ways of remembering the main areas by drawing strong analogies with everyday life – for example how a mortgage equates to the assets and liabilities of an insurer.

The inspiration behind the Litmus Key Ratio Guide, this course has achieved an average score of over 4.75 out of 5 from more than 100 attendees to date.  We have just added two new dates for 2013 –

Thursday 9th May and Wednesday 5th June, in London.

For more details, please contact me either through this blog site or by email to
